Fans’ race night raises funds

4 years ago | 22.04.2020, 09:26
Fans’ race night raises funds

The Official Supporters Club recently held a race night at the Village Hotel, raising more than £500 for the club.

Following the resumption of the Official Supporters Club’s monthly meetings, it was agreed that they wanted to do a fund raiser for the club, and after a number of suggestions, a race night was the most popular choice.

85 supporters attended the evening which included a goodie bag, a two-course meal and on arrival, people were entertained by a 50-strong Rock Choir performing under Choir Leader Kathryn Davies.

The Race Night then consisted of eight races where money raised from each race was split 50/50 between the fundraising pot and the winners.

The Race Night was concluded with a ‘Surprise Race’ – an interactive Pig Race.

Each table nominated a person from their table to come to the front.  On the floor in front of each person was a mystery parcel. The aim was to be the first person open their parcel and to blow up their pig, the order in which they ‘won’ then became their tables Pig number in the race.  The winning table was Sam Garrity and family, brother and family of Ben.

All profit from the night was donated to the club and raised £500, which will be going towards replacing the goal nets at the ground for next season.

A big thank you to Graeme Corker from X Digital Media (pictured top), Claire Williams and Victoria Proven (Village Hotel) for their fantastic support in assisting to make this event possible.

If you want to raise funds for the club, you can donate through our crowdfunding page here.
